

20 July 2023
21 October 2022

This site is devoted to the PanEuRhythmy - a system of musical physical exercises performed in the morning in the open. It is a circle dance integrating music and poetry, movement and thought in a harmonious unity.

The PanEuRhythmy consists of three parts:
Part 1 - “28 exercises”
Part 2 - “Sunrays”
Part 3 - “Pentagram”

The spiritual experts define the PanEuRhythmy as a spiritual practice beneficially affecting the physical and spiritual health of man by creating an adequate relation between the forces of the Spirit, the Soul and the body. When playing the PanEuRhythmy you take from the living energies of Nature and tune in to the natural rhythmus.

The PanEuRhythmy is based on a profound philosophy – it reveals key points in the development of the human soul through movements and music. This practice promotes the processes of self-perfecting, expanding of the consciousness and attaining of virtues.

The PanEuRhythmic exercises are in harmony with the creative universal rhythm that constructs and organizes the entire nature, so they are extremely powerful. They allow you to conduct the earthly and heavenly energies through yourself in a balanced way achieving inner peace and harmony with the surrounding world. The reception and proper distribution of the solar energies carried out during these exercises support the functions of the physical body as well as the functions of the subtler human bodies. Practicing of the PanEuRhythmy will stimulate the creation of healthy habits and will raise the sense of wellness.

The Spiritual Master Beinsa Douno – Petar Deunov, who is the founder of the PanEuRhythmy, said about it: “The PanEuRhythmy is a science, which regulates the physical, spiritual and mental functions of men. It is a method of the Intelligent beings for self-education.”

Wonderful film “Paneurhythmy” with music, movements and the basic ideas of Paneurhythmy, presented by Bialo Bratstvo Publishers. See the harmonious presentation of Paneurhythmy in wonderful nature around Seven lakes of Rila mountain!

NOW you can see it here

Paneurhythmy - The Supreme Cosmic Rhythm - video tutorial 2007