Healing with thought
The power of man is in his thought. Thought nourishes man like bread. If the thoughts of man are unhealthy, however much he may eat, he would still languish.
Human thought travels with the speed of three quadrillions and six hundred billions kilometers per second. With that velocity you are able to be everywhere present in the material universe.
Man gathers by thought three kinds of energy, which build up his mental body that he carries with himself to the other world. The mental body, of man is immortal.
Each projected thought goes out in a stream and move through out space in the form of wave. When human thought is intensive it creates very beautiful forms. According to the form of these waves you may know your friend's thoughts. It's not enough to wish good to someone but your thought should be intensive.
Thought has associative circular connections. One thought might have passed through a chain of 10 to 20 thousand people until there comes one to realize it.
In order to be healthy you should be in accordance with Nature. She would give you light, air, water and food. Many things are a necessary condition for the health of man.
Health depends predominantly on the thinking of man. Knowing the laws and applying them properly, man is healthy.
Man whose thought is elevated and noble, he has specific warmth and pulsation and a specific attitude to everything. One who has no proper attitude to air, he cannot be healthy.
According to the way they are pronounced, words create either harmonious or destructive forms. In the same way man's thoughts either create or destroy. When a man is speaking he should be quiet and peaceful. These are qualities, which regulate the inner energies of human being.
Human thought is related to the vital electricity in Life. When thoughts are positive, they draw in the vital energies, while the thoughts being negative, the vital energies disperse, and move away from man as a result of which one gets sick. For instance, if you have
I say, the student has to concentrate so as to develop his thought and not like the yogi does. There are many ways and methods used by the yogis, but if one does not understand them, he may thoroughly cripple himself. These crippled disciples are out of the laws of Nature. The laws of Sentient Nature are stern. I am giving methods having the slightest risks for the human brain. These are the methods of Sentient Nature. The methods of yogi are connected with many risks.
Some people have used certain methods for concentration of thought but
these methods had negative effects. Why? - With such methods you stop your
thought and knowing not how to send it back to the body, some blockage may
occur in you. You concentrate and concentrate, block your feelings, stop this
accumulated energy and become eccentric. Nature does not like you to be
blocking her. That is why, when you feel a burst of energy, go out in Nature -
play and jump there.
Apply your thought when healing. Heal yourself, heal also your fellows. Thought is a power, which should be set to work. It depends on the thought of man if it would be easier or more difficult for him to heal a sick one. It is important that all people have conditions to apply their thought and work with it.
If one of you gets sick, you may send in the evening to his sub conscious positive thoughts that he would recover and be soon better.
Each word is hiding a certain power within. If you concentrate your attention upon a certain word your mind would get in touch with the power contained within it and you would feel a certain encouragement or weakness according to the nature of the word. There are words which after being pronounced for once, they could not be repeated. Why? - They cause harm to the human mind and enfeeble it. For instance, if you pronounce a couple of times the words "I would get sick," you would feel their negative influence upon your organism and before long you may get sick. And vice versa, if one is suffering from tuberculosis and a couple of times daily he repeats, "I would get healed,” he would really get healed.
If you know about the sickness of a kin of you, do not heal him with medicine, but let he be visited by a dozen of people and each of them suggest the thought he would get healed. If he accepts your thought and believes in it, he would rise up from bed. Thought is a mighty power, which heals and uplifts man.
You should work with your thought, do experiments and use the inner resources of your organism as healing methods. There are cells whose task is to heal. They are called healing cells. Man should just direct his thought towards them and they would be activated. Only a concentrated and positive thought is necessary. Each negative thought paralyzes the action of the cells. If one wants his own healing, he should nurture positive thoughts.
The stronger and more concentrated is the thought of man, the easier he can heal himself. There are words, acting in a magical way upon man. He should know when to say the word. Everything should happen in its place and time.
Microbes are small beings that live as parasites. They leave their dirt in the human blood and cause different sicknesses. By his thought man can forbid these parasites to reproduce within himself and chases them away. The light of thought may get man free of all difficulties.
If you have any disturbing thought, don't try to throw it out of yourself in some mechanical way because it would harm you that is, you would harm yourself. If some disturbing thought creeps into your mind you should find its exact opposite to replace it. This way you would be healed. In order to heal yourself, you should connect the center of the Earth with the center of the Sun.
Man should build a mental wall around himself to not catch cold. This is achieved in two ways: through concentration of thought and prayer. Some think that prayer as a method is easily achieved. It depends on what the prayer would be. If you pray in a kind of mechanical way, you would achieve no result whatever. Therefore concentrated thought and conscious prayer are conditions for man to build a spiritual protection and to keep himself from bad external influence. If he is protected in a spiritual way, man does not catch cold nor can be attacked by anything alien and external.
The matter of the physical world succumbs to the human will. For that
purpose you should know the laws that command the will. Matter succumbs also to
the human thought. Therefore, set the energies of will and thought to work.
With strength of will and thought man can drive the align substances out of his
organism. Until these substances stay in him, he is in a bad state of mind and
body. If he applies his thought and begins to consciously work, soon he may
force the align
matter to go out like a boil. The boil bursts and the impure matter flows out.
To apply the will as a method to overcome physical and mental pains, difficulties and trials is nothing but a law of suggestion. One who wants to work with this law, he should be positive. Even the slightest negative thought paralyzes the action of the will. This is the reason why people with good intentions, with good thoughts and feelings do not succeed in life. They have good thoughts and wishes but they do not achieve their wishes. Why? - Because they allow for doubt and distrust as counteracting powers. Keeping positive thoughts in your mind, you would see that you have better results than those who take different medicines and specialties.
If one of you gets sick, you may send in the evening to his subconscious positive thoughts that he would recover and be soon better.
The medicines that the doctor is prescribing have power as much as is
his Faith. If so, man should heal also without medicines.
When you are nervous do the following exercise: sit in a chair before
the table with body upright and put your hands on the table. Stay with your
hands in that position for about 10 to 15 minutes concentrating your thought
first towards your thumbs, then your forefingers, then the middle fingers, the
fourth fingers and finally the little fingers of both hands. Then put your
right hand upon the left one, then the left one upon your right one and again
concentrate your attention to the fingers. After you have concentrated your
attention towards the fingers get in touch in your mind with all the good and
healthy people who have pure and noble heart, philosophic minds and deep
understanding of Life. After you have got in touch with these people uplift
your thought
towards God and pray all together.
Faith is a group law. Man cannot heal alone but if a couple of people get together they can heal.
There is no sickness that does not succumb to Faith. When you get healed, do not hurry up to tell people how you were healed. Let some time pass, then you may apply the same method to other people also. If you tell people the way you heal, the sickness would come back even before you see the results of your healing.
If one wants to be healthy he has to be positive in his beliefs. He
would try and get convinced in this truth. If you have a certain slight shooting
pain in your chest or your back, or some stomachache or headache. Try and see
how strong your Faith is and to what extend you can abolish pain in the name of
this Faith. Say thus, "In the name of my
faith, in the name of my God, Whom I believe. I command this sickness to go
out." If your sickness obeys, this means you have Faith.
If a man expels any violence, lie and evil from his own mind, he would get in contact with the Divine principle within himself. Then all the sicknesses, all the ailments of the body, mind and heart would vanish.
When the body of man gets sick, he can heal himself with the Truth.
Until man comes to love the Truth, he may restore his health and his body
acquires a certain fragrance. If one loves truth deeply and expels lie totally
he can heal himself from any sickness he suffers. For the health of the heart
Love is recommended. Love is the only power that can balance the state of the
heart. When man loses the balance of mind, man loses the certain fragrance. In
order to restore it, he has to apply Wisdom.
Love cures any sickness. It uplifts the vibrations of the human organism and makes it capable to endure the external influences and the effects of microbes. When man gets demagnetized, he loses his vital energy and easily gets sick. When demagnetizing takes place, there appear cracks at certain spots in the double and the vital energy of man flows out from there. If this crack is plugged up, man gets healed. Each word coming from Love serves as a plaster to cover even the slightest crack of the nervous system.
If one of you gets sick, you may send in the evening to his subconscious positive thoughts that he would recover and be soon better.
By the law of suggestion you may help sick, poor and desperate people. Great and powerful is the law of suggestion. It is enough to apply this law and create at least one good thought in your subconsciousness or the subconsciousness of some of your fellows for it to be accomplished. If you succeed to create at least one good thought in your superconsciousnes, it would get accomplished even sooner. All ailments could be healed but only with perfect faith. One can project in his mind everything he wishes but without any doubt.
One who has Faith, he would be healthy. Faith is the connection between God and the human soul.
Each word is hiding a certain power within. If you concentrate your attention upon a certain word your mind would get in touch with the power contained within it and you would feel a certain encouragement or weakness according to the nature of the word. There are words which after being pronounced for once, they could not be repeated. Why? - They cause harm to the human mind and enfeeble it. For instance, if you pronounce a couple of times the words "I would get sick," you would feel their negative influence upon your organism and before long you may get sick. And vice versa, if one is suffering from tuberculosis and a couple of times daily he repeats, "I would get healed,” he would really get healed.
If you know about the sickness of a kin of you, do not heal him with medicine, but let he be visited by a dozen of people and each of them suggest the thought he would get healed. If he accepts your thought and believes in it, he would rise up from bed.
Thought is a mighty power, which heals and uplifts man.
If a man expels any violence, lie and evil from his own mind, he would get in contact with the Divine principle within himself. Then all the sicknesses, all the ailments of the body, mind and heart would vanish.
Compiled by Dr Vassil Velev